
anti viral wipes

The COVID-19 pandemic has stimulated people’s interest in disinfection products. In the fight against the epidemic, everyone bought antiseptic products, including disinfectant wipes, as if they were out of date.
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But as the pandemic spreads, we have learned more about how to clean houses and businesses to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated that it is not always necessary to disinfect surfaces, wet wipes can still come in handy.
But you need to make sure that the wipes you buy can actually kill viruses and bacteria, and that you use them in the right way. Infectious disease expert Carla McWilliams, MD, explained what you should know about disinfecting wipes, including how to use them safely and effectively.
These disposable cleaning wipes have a sterilizing solution on them. “They are designed to kill viruses and bacteria on hard surfaces such as doorknobs, counters, TV remote controls and even phones,” said Dr. McWilliams. They are not suitable for soft surfaces such as clothing or upholstery.
The antiseptic ingredient on the disinfectant wipes is a chemical insecticide, so you should not use them on your skin. You should also not use them on food (for example, do not wash with apples before eating). The term “pesticide” may be worrying, but don’t panic. As long as your disinfectant wipes are registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), they can be used safely as directed.
Many wet wipes do, but just because they say “disinfect” they don’t think they will kill the COVID-19 virus. How can you be sure?
“The label will tell you which bacteria the wipes can kill, so look for the COVID-19 virus on the label,” said Dr. McWilliams. “There are hundreds of EPA-registered disinfectants that can kill the COVID-19 virus. Don’t worry about a specific ingredient or brand. Just read the label.”
To find out which wipes can kill the COVID-19 virus, please check the EPA’s COVID-19 Virus Sanitizer Operation List.
Disinfecting wipes are suitable for hard surfaces in your home. If your wipes say “disinfect” or “antibacterial”, they are most likely for your hands.
“Antibacterial wipes will kill bacteria, not viruses,” said Dr. McWilliams. “They are usually for your hands, but please read the instructions to make sure. And COVID-19 is a virus, not a bacteria, so antibacterial wipes may not be able to kill it. That’s why reading the label is so important.”
The disinfectant wipes may be alcohol-based wipes for hands, or they may be disinfectant wipes for surfaces. Read the label so you know what you got.
Disinfecting wipes contain chemicals, so safety procedures need to be followed. Use them as directed to ensure that those unwelcome bacteria disappear forever.
After the contact time is over, you can rinse the disinfectant as needed. “If the surface comes into contact with food, it must be rinsed,” said Dr. McWilliams. “You don’t want to accidentally ingest disinfectant.”
If you follow the steps above, they are. But stick to one product. Mixing two different household cleaners-even so-called natural cleaners-can produce toxic fumes. These fumes can cause:
If you are exposed to cleaning fumes from mixed chemicals, please ask everyone to leave the house. If someone feels unwell, seek medical attention or call 911.
Maybe you want to clean it the old-fashioned way. Do you really have to use disinfectant, or is a rag and some soapy water sufficient?
According to the new CDC guidelines, as long as there are no COVID-19 infected persons in your home, washing the surface with water and soap or detergent once a day is sufficient.
“If someone brings COVID-19 into your home, the use of disinfectant ingredients is important to protect your home,” said Dr. McWilliams. “There is no problem with daily cleaning with soap and water. But in some cases, disinfectants can kill all bacteria better than cleaning with soap and water alone.”
“The bleach is effective if you dilute it correctly,” said Dr. McWilliams. “Don’t use your full strength. But even if diluted, it will damage the surface and the fabric, so it is not practical in many cases.”
Some disinfectant wipes contain bleach as their active ingredient. Check the label. Never mix bleach with other cleaning agents or chemicals (including natural cleaning products).
COVID-19 makes us highly vigilant against bacteria. It is a good idea to clean with soap and water once a day, and use EPA-approved disinfecting wipes to wipe your household surfaces as needed. But cleanliness alone cannot keep away from COVID-19.
“Wear a mask, wash your hands and maintain social distancing to help prevent transmission,” said Dr. McWilliams. “This is more important than your cleaning products.”
The Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. The advertisements on our website help support our mission. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services. policy
Disinfecting wipes can kill the coronavirus, but you must know which ones can do this. Learn how to use these wipes safely and correctly.

Post time: Sep-02-2021